Just a reminder that all are invited to adoration every Tuesday from 8:30am to 8pm. If you are signed up for a time please remember to let the office know if you can not make it.
Archbishop Naumann’s December Prayer Request
Please join Archbishop Naumann in prayer for these three special intentions:
•We continue to marvel and give thanks to God for His amazing love for humanity revealed by the birth of Jesus.
• For generous support this Christmas of Catholic Charities’ beautiful ministries to bring the love of Jesus to the poor, the homeless, the hungry, the refugee and mothers experiencing a difficult pregnancy.
• For those who have recently lost a loved one, that the Risen Jesus and His Church bring consolation and hope.
Únase al Arzobispo Naumann en oración por estas tres intenciones especiales:
•Seguimos maravillándonos y dando gracias a Dios por su asombroso amor por la humanidad revelado por el nacimiento de Jesús.
• Por el generoso apoyo en esta Navidad de los hermosos ministerios de Caridades Católicas para llevar el amor de Jesús a los pobres, personas sin hogar, hambrientos, refugiados y madres que atraviesan un embarazo difícil.
• Por aquellos que han perdido recientemente a un ser querido, que Jesús Resucitado y Su Iglesia traigan consuelo y esperanza.
The November - December edition of the “Building a Civilization of Love” family newsletter is now available! We hope that it will provide resources and offer encouragement along your journey! Use the QR code to read now!
Job Opportunity
The Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas is seeking to hire a Digital Content Designer. This position creates and manages compelling digital content that bridges communication between the Archdiocese and its clergy, parishes, schools, and parishioners. A minimum three (3) years of experience in digital content design or a related role is preferred.
To apply, visit: